About Me


At 10 years old, I used to hide chocolate under my bed
At 12, I joined my first slimming club
At 26, I was squeezing into a size 24, and I hated myself

At 44, I am still repairing my relationship with food and myself

My story begins…

​I remember sitting on the bathroom floor sobbing.

I didn’t want to go to school. I was the biggest girl in the class and a target for the school bullies. I wanted to be like the other girls but couldn’t stop eating.

At 10 years old, I used to hide chocolate under my bed

My mum tried to give me smaller portions, which left me feeling deprived. So I started hiding chocolate under my bed and eating it in secret.

At 12, I joined my first slimming club

My disordered relationship with food worsened, and as an adult, I hopped from diet to diet.

Each promised to solve my problem, but I could never stick to them long enough.

I felt like a failure. I had no self-control.

I hated clothes shopping. I dreaded social occasions and wished I would wake up in a smaller body every night.

At 26, I was squeezing into a size 24, and I hated myself.

In 2004 I was at rock bottom but found the strength to try again.

I worked with a weight loss coach. I learned why I was eating and how I used food to cope with life’s challenges.

I worked intensely on my mindset and lost over 40kg. I felt incredible!​

In 2005 I trained as a weight loss coach and spent ten years running small groups.

It was a bit like, “My name is Jenny, and I have a food addiction”.

Using CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), we worked through a programme to break down beliefs and unhelpful thinking around food.

These groups were unique and a breath of fresh air for serial dieters.


My 1:1 coaching is for women who are done with dieting and looking for a long-term solution.


Make peace with food and learn the foundations of food freedom in my group programme.


Release trapped trauma and beliefs and heal with energy therapy.

Losing weight was life-changing

I knew if I could crack my food demons, I could help others do the same.

I spent 17 years working in the dieting industry

Over the years, I worked for several well-known diet companies. I loved seeing my clients transform themselves, but so many returned year after year, having regained the weight they had lost.

I started to recognise how broken the industry is.

Diet’s focus on restriction.

– With this restriction, we start to ignore our body’s cues.
– We learn to solve physical hunger with a can of diet coke!
– Our body shouts louder, trying to tell us it needs food!
– Eventually, it all gets too much, we crash, and we binge.
– Then comes the shame, the guilt and the vow to “be good” tomorrow.
– Diets don’t offer mindset support.
– This means when we stop dieting, we return to old habits and regain the weight.

This whole realisation came to me one Sunday evening.

It was 9pm, and I was in the kitchen looking for food.

My thought was, “What else can I eat? I have to be good tomorrow!”

Then it hit me. I was still dieting!

Yes, it was in an attempt to keep my weight stable. But after 14 years of thinking I had this foodstuff nailed, I was still dieting!

I knew I needed to do better for myself and my clients.

And I had to leave the dieting industry.

I trained as a Certified and Accredited Health and Life Coach.

I learned new skills and strategies to add to my toolbox and share with my clients. I then developed my coaching programme to empower women to heal their relationship with food and themselves.

While growing my business, I discovered Energy Alignment, the icing on the cake! I had always believed in the law of attraction and manifesting, but this was on another level. Being able to release trapped emotions, beliefs and traumas that were keeping me stuck was again life-changing.

I knew I had to share these techniques with my clients, so I added Advanced Helix Method® Mentor and Theta Healing® to my qualifications and energy alignment to my programmes!

I feel so grateful to be able to support and guide women to food freedom.

My relationship with food is still evolving.

I still overindulge and emotionally eat sometimes.

However, there is no guilt or shame attached. I am finally a master of my thoughts and emotions.

I am at peace with food
and I am at peace with who I am.

I am proud to say I am a best-selling author of The Book The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You to Read, a Woman Who Solopreneur winner and recognised as highly commended at The National Facilitators Awards.

Ooh and I am also a partner to James and mummy to a beautiful little princess!

Nancy is my biggest supporter.

The name “The Food Freedom Fairy®” was her idea!

Every day I hope to teach her to love herself and to have a healthy relationship with food!

At 45, I am still repairing my relationship with food and myself

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