Why you can’t lose weight and find food freedom….

Why you can’t lose weight and find food freedom….

Why you can’t lose weight and find food freedom…. If you feel stuck in the cycle of food rules, guilt, and overthinking every meal, you’re not alone. Many people want food freedom but feel held back by fear, self-doubt, or a belief that now isn’t the right...
Why can’t I lose weight?

Why can’t I lose weight?

Your goal is to release weight, you want fast fat loss right? But you feel stuck. No matter how determined you are on a Monday morning your motivation disappears quickly. Sometimes by midweek, sometimes by your morning coffee break! So what is really going on for you?...
Do I have Lipoedema?

Do I have Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a connective tissue disorder mainly found in women and often misdiagnosed as obesity. As a weight loss and food freedom coach, I’ve spent years helping others on their journeys towards healthier lifestyles and sustainable wellness. My own path has...
Your Body is Amazing!

Your Body is Amazing!

Our journey with food isn’t really about food. It is often led by how we feel about ourselves and our bodies. The reason we strive for weight loss is because we want to have a smaller body. This may be connected to health reasons, mobility reasons or because you...
Stop Putting Yourself Down!

Stop Putting Yourself Down!

Firstly let me set the scene… Over the past six months, I have been networking! I am attending some incredible groups across my local area to spread the word about The Food Freedom Fairy and her tools to help women lose weight and find peace with food and...
The 5 Golden Rules for Sustainable Weight Loss

The 5 Golden Rules for Sustainable Weight Loss

There is one thing my clients want more than to lose weight, and that is to keep it off! The truth is most people will lose weight when they are in a calorie deficit but over 95% of those people will regain their weight once they stop dieting. Today I want to share...